It's 08:27:31 4 listeners (6 in peak):   Unknown Ar… - Formula 1 Simul… Unknown Artist - Formula 1 Simulator

Upload your CPC music

Help us to increase the music collection of RolandRadio. A lot of music from games and demos are missing in our database and maybe you have them on your hard disk or want to record some fresh music from your Amstrad CPC.

How to send files to RolandRadio

Please use our ftp server we have set up for you to upload your music files. It's an anonymous ftp server, so use anonymous login as usual. These are the details of our ftp server:

  • Hostname:
  • IPv4:
  • Username: anonymous
  • Password: your-email-address
  • Directory to upload: incoming

Have a look at the incoming-directory of the ftp server within your browser: Click here

Which software do i need?

You need a ftp client. If you don't know which client to use there is Filezilla for Windows and Mac available for free. Enter the hostname or ip address from above and log into the server using the anonymous settings.

Where to upload my files?

Its easy! On the ftp server there is a directory called incoming. Enter this directory and create a new directory with your nickname. Try to avoid special characters and spaces. Suggesting your Nicname is John Doe your directory should be named johndoe. Upload all your files to your freshly created personal directory. After you have finished uploading you can tell us by email to check your directory but normally we check the ftp server for new files once a week.

How shall my files look like?

That's really important, because we have to name the files correct for our databases.
We user the "-" as a divider between artist and title for faster import to our database. So please avoid using the "-"-character more than once in your filename. Please name your files based on this scheme:

      Name of Artist - Title of music or game (Level) (Additional Informations).ext
For example:
      Jonathan Dunn - Operation Thunderbolt (Game Over (Second Sound)).mp3
      Kangaroo MusiQue - HJT-Theme (Mini Meeting Demo (Crittersoap was drunk on Sunday afternoon)).mp3
If something is unknown, just name it like:
      Jonathan Dunn - Unknown title.mp3
      Unknown artist - Moon Buggy (Main theme).mp3 .

Which sound formats and quality is accepted?

To reach the wanted quality of the streams we render the tunes on the fly by our radio automation software. Therefore your uploaded sound files do not need to have the same format and quality aus our provided streams.

Quality of the sound files should be minimum 128 kBit/s 44KHz or higher regardless which format is used. We love high quality! So please send us the best files you have. We do accept FLAC and other lossless formats as long as the format is not DRM-protected. So you are welcome to send us huge files.

Will i get some informations if my sounds are added to RolandRadio?

No, sorry. As new songs are played more often than older songs, you should notice your audio submissions on the radio stream or on the Playlist or the Artists page.

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